A Whole New World

It all began with an idea… and then another one… and another one. Over the past two and a half years, ideas about turning portrait photography into a business have been constantly growing, developing, and multiplying in my mind. Once I realized that it was something that would allow me to use my creativity and love for art, pursue my passion for making people smile, and financially support myself throughout my undergraduate studies, I was hooked. Over those years I have worked so hard to develop every aspect of this business so that it could be inviting to clients, efficient in management and maintenance, open to further exploration and learning, and most of all, unique to me and my artistic style. One of the biggest goals I have had for myself over this past year, specifically, was to design and create a main website for my business. It is with great pride that I am able to finally say:


This website has been my work-in-progress for what seems like an eternity. This is partially because of how extremely busy and overwhelming senior year has been, but also because I am a perfectionist and always find things to tweak before considering something “finished”. But someone very close to me told me this year that there comes a point when one must take a step back and fully realize all of the great things that they have done and allow time to congratulate themselves for those victories, no matter how small. That seemed to be all I needed to hear in order to let myself create a final deadline for this website, and that my friends, is today! I am so excited to be able to share this new platform with you all! This place will be home to information about sessions I offer, answers to questions that I have been asked, featured work, business updates, and so much more. I cannot wait to hit the ground running. Whether you are new here or a long-time friend, welcome! With all of that being said, I invite you to take a look around and explore!


The End of a Busy Season